Do Tampax Tampons expire or have a shelf life?
Procter & Gamble
Do Tampax Tampons expire or have a shelf life?

Tampax Tampons do not expire; however, they do have a shelf life.

Shelf life is the time period during which a product is expected to meet our high standards for quality when stored properly. This does not mean it will only last for that amount of time, but that we know it will work as intended for that period of time.

The shelf life of tampons varies:
• Tampax Radiant and Pocket Radiant tampons: 3 years
• All other Tampax tampons (e.g. Cardboard, Pearl, Pearl Compak, Pocket Pearl, Pure): 5 years

Tampons should be stored in a cool dry place. If improperly stored, it may not function as intended.

The resealable label on Radiant/Pocket Radiant wrappers means the shelf life profile is similar to pads vs. other tampons without an adhesive component on the wrapper.

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